Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sleeping at the Edge

Everyone who sleeps with a pet knows it will mysteriously gravitate toward the center of the bed during the night . OK, that's a given. Pets are master skoochiers (skoo-chee-er: one who skooches, inch by inch, into your space.) But what I don't understand is how one double bed+one 7-pound dog=no room for me. How does that happen?

When I got Scruffdog last month, he was so busy recovering from his terrible encounter with a big dog--and so doped up--that he didn't move at all during the night. "At last!" I thought. "I've found the perfect dog!" Oh, but but nay. He was just a very sick little dog. He's getting better, bit by bit. And more dog-like. It warms my heart to see him play with his squeaky toy. I love that his appetite is good. But when it comes to my bed, he's messing with the Alpha Female!

OK, I'm going in there right now to show him who's boss. I'm going. I'm determined. Oh, but just look at that little head hidden among the covers! Awwww, isn't that the cutest thing? Maybe I'll just skoochie him over a little, and try not to wake him...

...and that's how it works. All the resolve in the world melts away when faced with an adorable dog face (and they're all adorable). [Sigh.] I guess I'm destined to sleep at the edge of the bed for the rest of this dog's natural life!

1 comment:

:: the monkey pod :: said...

I totally understand. I too wonder how our queen size bed + a 4-month old = us sleeping on the edges. Why does the littlest person need the most room?