Saturday, September 10, 2011

Drunken moose rescued from tree

This poor girl let her love of fermented apples get the best of her. This pose is not very ladylike--it's not even very mooselike. She must be related to the late Buzzwinkle of Alaska.

Imagine the surprise of Per Johansson of Saro, Sweden, when he responded to a noise in the neighbor's garden and found a moose in their apple tree! Overcoming his surprise, he and another helpful neighbor set about sawing a branch off the tree to free her. But still, the moose couldn't--or wouldn't leave. Emergency rescue teams used a crane to get her out of the tree, but she just laid down on the ground and fell asleep. Mr Johansson said she was still there in the morning. He figured she just liked it there.

Johannson's son, an enterprising young man with a camera, took pictures and sold them to the media. He probably figured the moose was doing this just for him so he could grow his college fund. Moose in tree = more of a sure investment than most stocks right now.

Apparently, moose love fermented apples and can smell them from miles away. Keeping the animals out of your apple trees is just a simple matter of housekeeping: no apples on ground = no moose in tree.

Still, I'm glad there aren't any moose (or apple trees for that matter) in my desert. I'm just not that diligent a housekeeper!


melgrieves said...

Aw darn. Makes me wish I'd kept that old apple tree in the back corner.

Bemused Boomer said...

Ha! Your greyhound goes nuts when he sees a squirrel in a tree; imagine how he'd react to a moose in a tree!